Xavier Castro


Born in 1981 in Reims into a family of cabinetmakers and artisan restorers, Xavier Castro grew up from an early age in an environment conducive to creativity. With a degree in visual communication, he quickly offered graphic services and window designs.

Constantly searching for new materials, he completed his training in Paris and Sèvres and extended his work to porcelain, resin and marquetry.

In 2017, he took a second workshop in Montreal, where he worked on various exhibitions (le Livart, MUP...), collaborations (Gabriel Dubé, artisan glass blower, Clément Poirier, artisan leatherworker...) and joined the gallery Frédéric Got where he exhibits monumental globes, connecting porcelain with glass blowing and entomology.

An artistic approach around natural stories which aims to alert people to the fragility of wildlife, but also its perfection and its strength.


Translucent porcelain structures and natural stories, for hybrid pieces developed from plant membranes. Between art and science, materials interact to restore forms, capture them and then stabilize them.

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Xavier Castro

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